Decisions concerning authorization of Higher/General/Vocational Education Institutions and accreditation of Higher Educational Programs are made by the Authorization/Accreditation Councils. The members of Authorization/Accreditation/Appeal Councils are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister of Georgia. To select the candidates for membership of the Authorization Councils , nominated through to the conditions under the Selection Rule, the Commission/Commissions shall be established by the order of the Director of the NCEQE. The authority of Authorization/Accreditation/Appeal Councils is 1 year.
The members of the Authorization/Accreditation/Appeal Councils cannot be public servants, except the invited members of the Authorization and Accreditation Councils. The terms of reference and the authority of the Authorization/Accreditation/Appeal Councils is determined by the authorization/accreditation charters, which guarantees their functional independence from the Education Institutions and Governmental Bodies.