The first quarterly meeting with international experts was held within the framework of the project “Strengthening Capacities for the Implementation of Georgian National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Referencing and Self-certifications Processes (GEOREF), organized by the Qualifications Development Department of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (LEPL).
The meeting aimed to inform international experts involved in the project about the progress made within the referencing and self-certification process, to receive feedback from them, and to plan further activities.
The meeting was attended by international experts and members of the working group designated for the implementation of the self-certification and referencing processes of the National Qualifications Framework.
The participants of the meeting discussed in detail the structure of the Georgian National Qualifications Framework referencing and self-certification report and, based on consultations with international experts, selected the key countries whose examples will be analyzed when studying international best practices.
The LEPL National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement launched this project with the aim of harmonizing with the European Qualifications Framework, which implies the process of referencing and self-certification of the Georgian National Qualifications Framework with the European meta-frameworks (EQF-LLL, QF-EHEA). The project aims to harmonize and align the Georgian National Qualifications Framework with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL) and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA).
This process will ensure the compatibility of Georgia’s existing qualifications with the European Qualifications Framework, thereby enhancing international awareness and recognition of the Georgian education system.